Thursday, November 17, 2011

Week 12 Video Review

1) I selected the following 4 videos to watch because I wanted to learn more about the given topic.

2) Andy Warhol: Images Of An Image: This video was about Andy Warhol and his art. He was an artist during the Pop Art movement. He is one of the most well known artists from this time period.

Abstract Expressionism and Pop: Art of the 50s and 60s: This movie was covers numerous artists and their work from this time period. Artists include Andy Warhol, Franz Kline, and Jasper Johns. The video is filmed in museums as they describe the artist's artwork.

The Power of Art: Rothko: This video is about Rothko who was an abstract expressionism artist. He was most well known for his use of color. Rothko was a very successful artist, unfortunately he committed suicide in 1970.

The Art of Henry Moore: This video was about the artist Henry Moore who is most widely known as a sculptor. His sculptures were generally abstract bronze sculptures that can be found all over the world. His work was often abstract renditions of the human body.

3) These videos relate to the reading in the text by expanding on the topics.

4) These videos were very interesting. They expand on topics in the readings by providing visual evidence to go along with concepts from the book.

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