Friday, September 16, 2011

Blog 3

1)  Color can generally be broken down into 3 categories; primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. Primary colors consist of red, yellow, and blue. They are primary colors because they cannot be made by mixing any other colors. Orange, green, and violet are secondary colors and are made by combining two primary colors. Tertiary colors are made by mixing a primary color with a secondary color that it is next to on the color wheel. Colors have an emotional effect on everyone but there is no exact science to tell us how people will feel when they see a color. The emotion felt has a lot to do with the culture and society people live in. A good example from the book is that Americans see green and red as Christmas colors and generally happy, Van Gogh made a painting where these colors suggested a tense environment. These are quite the opposite feelings felt by looking at the same colors.

2) I think the most interesting thing about color theory is really just what color is. Color is refracted light that we see in different colors. Thinking of color as light really puts a new twist on my thoughts when I see colors.

3) In the Color video I was most impacted by the scenes in Venice through the canals. I have been to Venice before and seeing this video and the colors reflecting on the water brought back many feelings that I remember having as I was sight seeing in Venice. Very Cool!

4) Earlier we learned that art reflects the period in time and place that it is created. I think the colors that were used during the Renaissance really explain both the time and place that they are depicting. The colors show what was a pretty dark time to begin with and it can be seen in art from this time period.

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