Saturday, October 29, 2011

Week 9 Hand Sketch

1)  I thought it was rather difficult to use my hands as subject matter. I think it would have been easier to sketch something in front of me that I was not using. I needed my hands to draw so it was tough to get good detail because I had to keep positioning my  hand and then trying to memorize the lines.

2) I selected pencil as my medium because I figured it would be easier for me to work with.

3) I did not like using my non-dominant hand to draw. I felt almost helpless while trying to draw. It felt very unnatural. 

4) I think this a successful study. I think my drawings show that I can create more realistic and detailed work with my dominant hand.

5) I would not consider using my non-dominant hand in the future.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Week 9 Video Reviews

1) The videos I chose were all picked because I was interested in learning a little more about each specific topic.

2) The Drawings of Michelangelo: This video was very interesting and showed how Michelangelo used different techniques to create weight and mass in his work. This skill allowed him to depict accurate images of items including the human body. I think his work as a sculptor would have helped him to better illustrate with such detail.

Leonardo Da Vinci: The Mind of the Rennaisance: This video was a very interesting video about one of the most important artists we know. Da Vinci's is very representative of his passion to understand things to the best of his ability. He seemed to be obsessed with detail as he worked to study the proportions of the human body. His knowledge allowed him to represent the human body very well in his works.

The Night Watch (Rembrandt): This video was very interesting to me. It is about Rembrandt's "The Night Watch" painting which is not actually the name of the painting! The painting was changed by the layer of varnish over the oil and smoke from a fire which darkened it to appear as if it is at night. This was obviously not Rembrandt's intention but almost makes the painting more unique than it should be.

Velazquez: When you think of famous painters I think most people would point towards Italian painters. Velazquez was a Spanish painter who painted many works as a court painter. His style however was primarily influenced by the work of Italians. His work in the courtroom of depicting what he saw as precise as he could also defined his work outside of the courts.

3) The videos relate to the readings by touching on many points that are in the book but also expanding on those ideas. These videos really gave good information on the artists they covered.

4) I thought the videos were very interesting. They add great depth to the readings by expanding on ideas and getting into more detail. They help me better understand the readings by giving visual relevance.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Week 8 Video Review

1) All of the three optional videos I selected were selected because I knew little to nothing about each subject and wished to learn about them.

2) More Human Than Human: This video explained the significance of symbols and images to humans. They have always been an important form of documentation and expression as far back as we can tell. The video touches on realism.

Late Gothic Art and Architecture: England 1400-1547: This video teaches us about the architecture found during this period in England. Gothic architecture was very prevalent during this time and many of these buildings still survive today with their beautiful and detailed structure.

The Birth of the Middle Ages: This video explains what led to the middle ages. This time period was basically the settling of migratory people into areas that are now modern day Europe. The video also touches on the "dark ages".

The Measure of All Things: Greek Art and the Human Figure: This video discusses Greek art which often contained elements of the human figure. Greek art displayed the body with perfect physique. They did not use naturalism in their art of the human body. The art depicted very muscular and tone men.

3) These videos all relate directly to the readings. They provide more background information on specific topics that were introduced in the text.

4) I enjoyed the films that I selected. The videos add depth and examples to what was provided in the text. The visual examples provided in the videos help add to the verbal descriptions found in the text.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Week 7 Video Review

Prarie Style is a great video that touches on the fundamentals of green architecture. Wright wanted his structures to be almost natural and blend with their surroundings. I think this video shows that green architecture can be more complicated and maybe even more expensive but the environmental effects far surpass the time and money.

Architecture: The Science of Design is a very interesting video. My roomate is an architecture major at UB so I was previously aware of the amount of work and science that goes in to designing a structure. Every measurement must be very precise or the structure will not be able to stand up to stress from environmental elements or the force of gravity. It is still astonishing to me how much science is involved in building a structure before the aesthetics even come in to the picture.

Classical Architecture did a great job of discussing how buildings can symbolize great things. Architectural styles originally used by people such as the Greeks and Romans are often used in the design of modern buildings that are meant to symbolize politics, religion, or other important ideals. A good example of this that we are all familiar with are many of the buildings found in Washington DC.

2) These videos relate directly to the readings from the text by supporting the information we have already read. The videos touch on all the important points highlighted in the text.

3) I thought the films were very interesting. I feel these videos add depth to the readings by providing us with visual examples to better solidify the writings.

4) For my optional video I selected Last Call for Planet Earth: Sustainable Development and Architecture. I chose this video because I was interested in how new ideas of green architecture may be coming in to play more and more during our lifetime. We need to start doing things differently to leave less of a footprint if we wish to save our environment.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Installation Art

Step 3:
A) Installation art is when a space is presented as a work of art that can be entered, explored, experienced, and reflected upon.

B) Installation art can be constructed out of any type of materials.

C) I think the main purpose of installation art is to allow the viewer the chance to "walk through" the art and explore the piece that has been created from where they would like as opposed to just standing and looking at a painting.

D) I think one of the most interesting installation pieces is Ann Hamilton's Mantle. I thought it was very unique that she hid speakers in the flowers to produce noise as part of her work.

Step 4:
A) I really felt a connection with Ann Hamilton's Mantle. I felt a connection with this piece because of her use of audio in her art. I think that audio can play a very large role in how art is perceived.

B) I explored the Self theme for this project.

C) For this work I used an electric guitar, amplifier, cds, drumstick, and a guitar pick.

D) This installation is located in an empty room in my house. I use this empty room to practice guitar so I felt it was a good place to set up my work.

Step 7:
4) Description: I love music and love playing it. This is my expression of the elements that it takes to make music and also finished products of music as shown by the cds.

5) Analyze: When I first created this piece I just had everything layed out randomly and it felt like something was missing. After some thinking I arranged the items and used the guitar cable as a line to tie everything together. The line starts at the guitar and leads the viewer through some of the elements and components of music.

6) I thought this project was very interesting. I feel there is more freedom in installation art then there is in other forms of art.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Week 6 Video Review

1) Through the Eyes of a Sculptor- In this video I learned how precise the art of sculpting is. I originally thought that an artist would just sit down and create a sculpture in one try. I did not realize how in depth the process actually is.

Glass and Ceramics- This video was very interesting. The process of creating glass art is very cool from heating to cooling as well as shaping. It is amazing how much glass can be manipulated when it is in molten form.

Installation Art- This video did a great job of providing great detail of what installation art is. I only   saw installation art as a 3-dimensional work that uses space to create the art. The video expanded my view by showing that even structures can be considered installation art.

2) The videos directly relate to the book by touching on all key topics. Seeing the visual side helps in understanding these concepts through demonstration.

3) The videos were very insightful. Art is something that can be very complex and difficult to learn by simply reading. The videos provide visual foundation and depth to the topics from the text.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Gallery Visit #1

Which artworks make an impact or impression on me? Why?
Roy Lichtenstein's "Explosions from the Portfolio 9", Print, 1967
- This print made an impression on me with the use of colored dots to fill in space instead of solid colors. I have a few art prints that have a similar style so this really appealed to my eye.

James Rosenquist's "Nomad", Oil on canvas, 1963
-This painting made an impression on me because I love to travel. The term nomad means not stayingin onve place for very long and moving from place to place. I feel this painting expresses this idea by showing a variety of different objects from different places.

Mark Rothko's "Orange and Yellow", Oil on Canvas, 1956
-This painting caught my eye with the color selection. My favorite color is orange so this appealed to my eye. I feel that orange is a very warm and glowing color.

Which artworks do I feel a connection with? Why? 
Norman Kent's "Albright Art Gallery", Print,  1941
-I felt a connection with this print because I know what it is and I have seen it in person. I feel that it is a lot easier to connect with art sometimes when you are already familiar with the subject.

William Home Lizars' "Bridge Across the Rapids at Niagara", Print, 1827
-I really felt a connection with this print, again, because I am familiar with the subject. When I first saw this print I was thinking what would this area look like to the artist today? Things have changed a great deal since this print was made.

David Plowden's "Erie Lackawana Railroad...", Photograph, 1947
-I am from Buffalo and when I first saw this my response was similar to above; what would this photo look like if it was taken today. Clearly taken when the steel plant and surrounding area was booming with thousands of workers and a great industry. Today you would find a train station not in use and empty, decaying buildings with their best times long gone.

Which artworks would I like to know more about? Why?

Donald Sultan's "December 6, 1978", Drawings and Watercolor, 1978
-I wanted to know more about this piece because it seems unfinished to me. Was this the artist's rendition of an unproductive day?

Sheila Isham's "Magic Mountain XV", Acrylic and Pastel on Paper, 1982
-I wanted to know more about this piece and specifically where it is assuming it is a real place. I think it is a very unique use of colors that I would not automatically associate with a mountain but maybe that is because it is not a real mountain?

Thorton Willis' "Sharon's Dream", Oilstick on Paper, 1980
-It would be very helpful to understand this piece with a little more information. I can not grasp how this could represent a dream, more information could help to change my reaction.