Friday, October 14, 2011

Week 7 Video Review

Prarie Style is a great video that touches on the fundamentals of green architecture. Wright wanted his structures to be almost natural and blend with their surroundings. I think this video shows that green architecture can be more complicated and maybe even more expensive but the environmental effects far surpass the time and money.

Architecture: The Science of Design is a very interesting video. My roomate is an architecture major at UB so I was previously aware of the amount of work and science that goes in to designing a structure. Every measurement must be very precise or the structure will not be able to stand up to stress from environmental elements or the force of gravity. It is still astonishing to me how much science is involved in building a structure before the aesthetics even come in to the picture.

Classical Architecture did a great job of discussing how buildings can symbolize great things. Architectural styles originally used by people such as the Greeks and Romans are often used in the design of modern buildings that are meant to symbolize politics, religion, or other important ideals. A good example of this that we are all familiar with are many of the buildings found in Washington DC.

2) These videos relate directly to the readings from the text by supporting the information we have already read. The videos touch on all the important points highlighted in the text.

3) I thought the films were very interesting. I feel these videos add depth to the readings by providing us with visual examples to better solidify the writings.

4) For my optional video I selected Last Call for Planet Earth: Sustainable Development and Architecture. I chose this video because I was interested in how new ideas of green architecture may be coming in to play more and more during our lifetime. We need to start doing things differently to leave less of a footprint if we wish to save our environment.

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